Industrial Vending and Asset Tracking Solutions
Grove Design has extensive experience in manufacturing. We pride ourselves on our ability to productionise functional concepts, and re-design products to suit the needs of the client.
Inventor-e provides cloud based software and technology solutions to help customers manage their inventory and assets.They improve productivity, increase efficiency and reduce inventory costs.
Inventor-e’s success means they have an expanding need for reliable quality production in increasing numbers, generated and supported by design that improves existing products and delivers new ones. There is a need to fully define products, suitable for a demanding workplace, whilst offering cost-effective fabrication. Inventor-e has a strong track record in the creation of ideas, leading to intellectual property, but sees the power of establishing partners to complement this in ongoing design.
Grove Design designed a family of modular industrial vending cabinets. These included the facility for flat packing and straight forward fabrication anywhere in the world. The cabinets use a standardised carcass that can be straightforwardly configured for specific customer requirements. Grove Design designed new approaches to: cable management; door hinging and locking; inter-cabinet cabling; control panel access. The cabinets are a part of a much larger system and Grove Design has created new products that complement their functioning. New, more environmentally friendly asset tags, communicating through new gateways have also fallen within Grove Design's remit. Clever bin scales, with a new flexible way of attaching bins, further complement the growing system.
Grove Design refined the design to best suit assembly such that anticipated fabrication times have been significantly reduced. This has allowed products to fit within the client's aggressive targets for quality and cost reduction. The client's objectives include significant scaling up of production, meaning the fundamental design and design for assembly activities, need to be right from the start, so that the client can benefit from the targeted growth.